Getting Started
Here you'll find posts and articles about "How to start" or "Where to start", things related to getting started with your creative journey. π

Why You Need An Online Portfolio Paid Members Public
It's like raising your little flag in your little personal piece of land, except it's on the web and anybody can access it.

10,000 Photographs? - Hours Vs Iterations Paid Members Public
How To Improve Your Photography & Creative Skills

Will The Latest Camera Make Us Happier? Paid Members Public
Do you need it, or do you just want it?

Artlist & Epidemic Sound - Royalty-Free Music For Your Videos Paid Members Public
If you create content online, then you probably need a royalty-free music subscription service.

The Motivation Myth By Jeff Haden Paid Members Public
Sometimes we need a little push to go out there and do what we love.

Buying Your First Camera? Tips & Advice Paid Members Public
Know what to focus on and what to consider in order to choose for yourself.

Common Street Photography Mistakes & Solutions Paid Members Public
Memory exists so we can learn from mistakes, here are some common ones.

Make Time: How To Focus On What Matters Every Day Paid Members Public
You need to make time for what you love and you need to start. Right now.