TreeLink: a modular, responsive & minimalist "Link in bio" theme

A "Link in bio" template built with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript. This is a Bootstrap 5 mobile theme for your social media links.

Jorge Perez
Jorge Perez
3 min read

Table of Contents

This "Link in bio" template is ideal for someone to host their own website. This is an easy, private and secure way to showcase all their links WITHOUT signing up for services like Linktree, having someone else track you, having ads, etc.

Built with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript. This is a Bootstrap 5 mobile template for your links & social media apps. I made this for myself, and I use it as my main link hub for my social media apps. You can see the live preview or demo it here.

Overview & Features:

  • Created using Bootstrap 5.
  • 4 Different Index Pages (Round buttons, Square buttons, Background video playback & Background Gradient).
  • 10 Different Colours/Themes. (Including Proper Dark mode, Background video playback & a background gradient mode).
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript.
  • Font Icons.
  • Google Fonts.
  • Easy to Customize.

Round buttons, square Buttons, BG video & BG gradient templates

Square Button & Round Button presets

Included here are 2 HTML files, one labelled square button, and another labelled round button that are easy to use and customize.

A Built-in Modal Contact Form

Square Button & Round Button Contact Page

Instead of relying on DM'S or social media apps for direct messages, users now can fill out the contact form and reach you directly via email. A more controlled and professional way to funnel all future inquiries on your page.

JavaScript Typing Effect

A type-javascript effect on the subtitle header, which changes automatically based on the words you choose. You can also:

  1. Customize the typing speed.
  2. Customize the backspace/deleting speed.
  3. Add or customize the number of words you want to cycle through.
  4. Let it loop, or play once and stop.

Customizable Theme With 8 Colours Included:

Includes 10 colour presets, all shown in the images above, you get access to all of these and as simple to change as changing the text in a single line, IE: from black.css to green.css, that simple!

Proper Dark Mode Included

Finally, a proper dark mode has been added!

Well Commented & Easy To Customize:

Most of the important, interactable lines of code are all well-commented. All you need is some basic HTML to replace the content with your own personal info and upload it to your hosting service.

Free Updates

Updates and improvements will be added, and you will get access to these at no extra cost. Currently on version 2.0.0

Please Note: This is a static HTML5 Template, It’s not a WordPress Theme. This theme is ideal for someone to host their own website. This is an easy, private, and secure way to showcase all their links WITHOUT signing up for services like Linktree, having someone else track you, having ads, etc. The images are only for demo purposes and are not included in the download files.

You can purchase the theme here:

TreeLink: A Responsive Linktree-like Static HTML5 Template

This is a responsive Linktree-like clone. Built with HTML5 & CSS3. This is a Bootstrap 5 mobile template for your links & social media apps. Pick it up below.

Buy This!

Looking For Something More Visual?

I also made Card-Link, a card view-list HTML template, you can check it out here:

CardLink: A Responsive Card-list Static HTML5 Template
Built with HTML5 & CSS3. This is a Bootstrap 5 mobile template for your social media links.

Jorge Perez Twitter

I'm a Street Photographer, Filmmaker, Developer and part-time YouTuber based in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦


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